God is doing a new thing

God is doing a new thing

Last month, in the middle of worship on one of our First 15 Prayer calls, I was prompted to write down the definition of "a new thing". According to Strong's Concordance, the Hebrew word for this phrase is beriah, which means a creation, a thing created. The root word of beriah is bara, which means to shape or create; (qualified) to cut down. And then it hit me...

God is qualified to create because He is the creator.

Let's pray.

Father, we thank You for who You are and for who You've always been. Truly there is no other God besides You. Your word tells us in 2 Chronicles 25:8 that 'God has power to help and to overthrow', and we trust You Abba to not only help us but to overthrow anything that tries to harm and destroy us. We have faith that You will do a new thing for us. Whether it be in our family, our career, our community, our friendships, our bodies, or our nation. We trust You. We believe that the LORD God Almighty is qualified to do all things just like Jesus told us in Matthew 19:26 when He said, 'with God all things are possible'. Jesus, You are the most important part of our lives because Your sacrifice on the cross saved our lives. Even now You intercede for us while sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And while we patiently await Your return, we ask that You would continue to order our steps and direct our paths. We don't want to be distracted by the cares of this world and miss what the Father is doing in real time and we certainly don't want to miss the new thing that You're doing in, through, and for us. So, we ask that You would open our eyes, LORD. Make what's hidden known to us by the Holy Spirit. We know that the old things must pass away and we surrender to the new thing that You are doing today. Have Your way, LORD. We mean it this time. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Recommended scriptures:

  • Isaiah 43:19
  • Revelation 21:5
  • 2 Chronicles 25:8
  • Matthew 19:25

*To avoid misinterpretation of the recommended scriptures, we suggest praying for understanding beforehand and reading the whole chapter for context, including the chapter before.

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