How We Got Started

Praying Is a Lifestyle is a Holy Spirit led personal development ministry that helps men & women encounter the glory of God and fortify their relationship with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. We launched our Bible Study on February 1, 2022 and our First 15 Prayer call on March 1st without any intention of continuing either of these gatherings beyond the month of March. Fast forward to present day, our ministry has hosted 200+ Bible Study sessions, over 500 prayer calls, and various other meetings for God's people to connect with each other on a weekly basis. We also fast on the first 3 days of each month and host testimony calls to rejoice over what the LORD has done in, through, and for us.

Why We Keep Going

We believe

...the stories in the Holy Bible. We stand firm on the fact that the writers of the scriptures were led by the Spirit of God to ensure that there is a written record of who God is and who He always will be. The Bible serves as a practical guide on how we are to live our lives.

We have in the God of the Holy Bible. He is the creator of heaven and earth. He is LORD of all and Holy in all of His Ways. We delight in obeying Him because He is a good Father.

We are

...disciples of Jesus Christ (the Way). He is our Shepherd who was with God our Father in glory before He came into the world in the form of a man to redeem us of our sins, iniquities, trespasses, and transgressions. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we enjoy the privilege of being sons & daughters of God.

We trust

...the guidance of Holy Spirit who serves as our Counselor, Comforter, and Intercessor. He guides us into all truth about God (our Father) and Jesus Christ (the Son of God), and He tells us of things to come. Holy Spirit helps us accurately discern good and evil, and empowers us to live consecrated lives.

We want see as many people as possible stand and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and live a life of obedience to the LORD. We know what it's like to live apart from God and the false sense of satisfaction that it gives. But despite all the pleasures that the god of this world provides, we can attest to the fact that the peace and joy of living a life on purpose in Christ for the Lord GOD Almighty is unmatched.

We accept

...the fact that our beliefs may seem peculiar, odd, weird, outdated, or even unfair to some people. However, we choose not to be led by our feelings or the opinions of people. Instead, we choose to surrender our mind, our will, and our emotions to the Spirit of God every day because He knows us best, and He wants the best for us.

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